Chera Jane

comms open! (april 2024)

Terms of Service

general terms

- will not do: heavy nsfw, heavy mecha
- please give me the detail reference for works
- completion may take up to 1-2 weeks, for illustration may take up 1-2 months, depending how busy i am. feel free to ask me the progress!
- major changes can only be done at sketching phase, revision max 2 times
- full payment after i finished the final sketch
- i have right to refuse the commission if i am not able to do it
- i'll send the commission result through email in PNG and/or JPEG format only


- payment via paypal (USD) or Local Bank Transfer (IDR)
- rate changes may be applied depending on the complexity of the commission
- all rates inside catalogue not included paypal fee. after sketch process, i will send you total fees you need to pay
- payment will be fully refunded if i'm unable to complete your commission due to my circumtances
- payment only using paypal invoice, beside that, i cannot accept your request.

usage policy

- all commision is for personal-use only
- for commercial use, please inquire me for updated rates